Salaam said, "Ayoob As-Sakhtiyanee used to pray the entire night and no one would know that he was praying. So when the morning time arrived, Ayoob would raise his voice in a way to make the people think that he had just woke up". [8]
Abû ‘l-`Âliyah said, “I learned writing and the Qur’ân without my family noticing, and not a drop of ink was ever seen on my garment.” [9]
Dâwûd bin Abû Hind fasted 40 years whilst his family was unaware. He would take his lunch with him and give it away in charity, and would then return home for dinner and break his fast with them.[10]
Hammâd bin Zayd said, “Ayyûb was such that a hadîth would be narrated to him, which would soften his heart and cause his eyes to shed tears. So when a tear would come to him, he would wipe his nose saying, ‘What a severe cold!’ He would show that he had a cold in order to hide his crying.[12]
Al-Hasan ‘l-Basrî said, “A man would be sitting in a gathering, and tears would come to his eyes. He would try to hold them in, but if he felt that he would be unable to, he would stand and leave.”[13]
Muhamamd bin Wâsi` said, “A man would cry for 20 years, while his wife would not know.”[14]
And he also said, “I came across men; one of them, his head would be on the same pillow as his wife’s head; and what is under his cheek would become soaked with his tears, whilst his wife would be unaware. And I came across men; one of them would stand in the first row (in prayer), his tears would be flowing down his cheeks, and the person standing next to him would be unaware.”[15]
[8] Siyaar 'Alaam By Imam Ath-Thahabee Vol.6, Pg.17
[9] Siyâr ‘l-A`lâm an-Nubalâ’ (6/17).
[10] Hilyat ‘l-Awliyâ’ (3/94).
[12] Musnad Ibn ‘l-Ja`d (1246), Siyâr ‘l-A`lâm an-Nubalâ’ (6/20).
[13] Al-Zuhd by Imâm Ahmad (262).
[14] Hilyat ‘l-Awliyâ’ (2/347).
[15] Ibid.
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