Amazing story about Shaykh Ahmad An-Najmee:
The following story was related to me by Alee Zayd al-Madkhalee, the son of our noble shaykh Zayd al-Madkhalee hafidhahumallaah, and it took place during Shaykh Ahmed an-Najmee's stay in hospital in Riyaad.
It is a conversation that occurred between Shaykh Ahmad hafidhahullaah and one of the doctors:
Shaykh Ahmad asked the doctor, 'Who is this person that is standing next to the window?' The doctor said to the Shaykh, 'Where is he?'. So Shaykh Ahmad said, 'He is standing by the window'.
So the doctor said to Shaykh Ahmad, 'Describe him for me'. So the Shaykh said 'He is wearing white garments and on his head is something like a white cloud'.
Then on another day the doctor came back to the Shaykh and asked, 'Has that visitor returned?' So the Shaykh said 'Yes verily he is standing over there.'
When this story was related to Shaykh Zayd al-Madkhalee he said, 'He is an angel insha'allah'. Allahu Akbar!!! May Allaah preserve our mashayakh and cure them with a complete cure. Ameen.
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